Monday, December 9, 2019

Competitive Strategy Management Theory

Question: Diwscuss about the Competitive Strategy Management Theory. Answer: Introduction: The video or the e-learning site delves into the concepts of strategy management. It entails an effective blend of professional applications that supports authors personal experiences. The piece engenders creative notions and introduces innovative learning techniques that assist the students. From the videos, I have extracted substantial points that enhanced the experience of the professionals. The video or the e-learning site delves into the concepts of strategy management (Bharadwaj et al. 2013). It entails an effective blend of professional applications that supports authors personal experiences. The piece engenders creative notions and introduces innovative learning techniques that assist the students. The video talks about the significance of strategy, as far as the business is concerned. It gives a holistic approach regarding the function of the business. The main question is what is strategy? It is a set of boundaries for the administration of the company. The strategist would want the company functions relatively better than any other company would. The video operates at the interstices of three intervening questions: a) what do you compete? b) How do you compete? c) How do you execute? It raises a few fundamental questions that concern the businesses. One has to identify the market opportunities. This is the most vital step. One could not proceed without identifying the step. Therefore, it is indispensable to understand the relevance of the market opportunities. After identifying the market opportunities, one has to take into account the fact of resources. One has to understand that resource conditions the proper functioning of the companies. Therefore, market opportunities, resource management and implementation are the three aspects of the strategic management. Strategy is considered as a three-legged stool. Strategic formulation handles three factors i.e. motivation, incentives and control system observation. The market opportunities assume the policy of the extraneous analysis. The external analysis category includes competitor dynamics, industry analysis and industry evolution (Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons 2013). The internal analysis involves business level and corporate level. Under business level, fall competitive positioning, building competitive advantage and sustaining competitive advantage. The corporate level includes vertical integration and diversification. The strategy execution part handles incentives control systems and organization structure. For the assignment, I am considering Eagle Boys Australia as an organization. I will take into account the points that reflect on the strategic management of the company. The Australian owned network operates as a pizza hub in the regions of New South Wales. It has developed as one of Australias largest pizza makers. The Eagle Boys Pizza stores permeate the landscape of Australia. The network offers a host of products includes gourmet pizzas, gluten-free pizzas. The essential fact about Eagle Boys network is enthusiasm. The business sustains inasmuch of the zeal and dedication engineered by franchisees, team members. The national unit encompasses an open culture and espouses new business notions related to innovation, community involvement and franchise support opportunities. Eagle Boys Pizza delivers a customer-oriented taste and preference. It aims to improve the satisfaction of customers and service. The profit of the Eagle Boys Pizza transcends 110% and it helps the customers fin d unprecedented product. The network is convenient and gives the customers an enjoyable pizza treat. In the second part of the assignment, I will discuss the main ideas that mould the business of the organization under review. The essential part of the assignment is to identify the market opportunities. In the globalized era, the Australian Pizza Unit will definitely countenance competition from the US pizza units such as Pizza Hut, Dominos and many more. The profit of these pizza units has reached extreme limits. Therefore, the Australian pizza unit, the Eagles Boys has an ample market opportunity. Therefore, the company should understand its significance in the global platform and proceed accordingly (Morgan and Strong 2015). In addition, the Pizza Company (Eagle Boys) has to consider an important point that mainly concerns the accumulation of resources. It is indispensable to accumulate and assimilate resources for the betterment of the company. If one does not have proper resource, then the profit of the company would not be maximized. Therefore, the maximization of the profit is essential. Resource allocation is important for any kind of company, be it small, medium-sized or large units. With the help of standardized resource management, the company would attain global reach and improvement (Johnson et al. 2013). One of the most important factors of strategic management of business under review is implementation or execution of business ideas. Strategy is considered as a three-legged stool. Strategic formulation handles three factors i.e. motivation, incentives and control system observation (Rothaermel 2015). The market opportunities assume the policy of the extraneous analysis. The external analysis category includes competitor dynamics, industry analysis and industry evolution. The internal analysis involves business level and corporate level. Under business level, fall competitive positioning, building competitive advantage and sustaining competitive advantage. The corporate level includes vertical integration and diversification. The strategy execution part handles incentives control systems and organization structure. Hence to conclude, one has to understand the technicalities of strategic management to implement the notions for the actual practice. For example, the pizza company (Eagle Boys) has to consider the dynamics of market opportunities before striving for better results. If profit maximization is the ultimate goal, then one has to keep the fact of market opportunities into account. In the globalized epoch, perfect competition is very much in vogue. The US based pizza companies (Dominos and Pizza Hut) have the highest rate of sales, as far as the matter of profit maximization is concerned. Therefore, the Australian pizza company (Eagle Boys) has to take into consideration the market motives before jumping into the bandwagon (Grant 2016). The occident culture is popularly known for the making of pizza. The westerners, mainly Italians, introduced the concept of pizza culture and enhanced the continental cuisine. In the 21st century, America becomes the paladin of globalized capitalism. The famous pizza companies permeate the American landscape. The Australian pizza company (Eagle Boys) is not an exception (Hill and Jones 2013). The company is aware of the market tendencies. After the cognizance of the market opportunities, the company makes a blueprint of policy execution and plays the role of perfect competitor. Therefore, comprehending the character of market opportunities and planning resource strategy are the main influencing factors. These factors help every company adumbrates and executes the strategy of market invasion (Jayawardhana and Weerawardena 2014). Reference Bharadwaj, A., El Sawy, O.A., Pavlou, P.A. and Venkatraman, N.V., 2013. Digital business strategy: toward a next generation of insights.Mis Quarterly,37(2), pp.471-482. Fitzsimmons, J. and Fitzsimmons, M., 2013.Service management: Operations, strategy, information technology. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Grant, R.M., 2016.Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. John Wiley Sons Hill, C.W. and Jones, G.R., 2013.Strategic management theory. South-Western/Cengage Learning. Jayawardhana, K. and Weerawardena, J., 2014. Conceptualizing the Role of Market Learning in Social Innovation-Based Competitive Strategy. Johnson, G., Whittington, R., Scholes, K., Angwin, D. and RegnÃ… ½r, P., 2013.Exploring Strategy Text Cases. Pearson Higher Ed. Morgan, R.E. and Strong, C.A., 2015. Competitive Strategy and Market Orientation: The Relationship and its Implications. InProceedings of the 1998 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference(pp. 232-232). Springer International Publishing. Rothaermel, F.T., 2015.Strategic management. McGraw-Hill.

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